Some time ago, I concluded that the gospel
presentations which I had been privileged to learn in the past left
me unsatisfied.
My understanding of and belief in the message of the
Bible is that God is sovereign in all things. Even those who are
serious students of scripture would not challenge that dogma. The
problem is that often many who would affirm the “God is sovereign”
statement, at the same time, would elevate man’s ability to
determine his destiny to the same level as God’s sovereignty. While
one might say of course I don’t ascribe to that, on the other hand
would proclaim that man’s “free will” is the determining factor to
his salvation or, at least, works together in a synergistic fashion
with God’s will.
This mental calisthenics of whose will is dominate
in the outcome of one’s destiny results in a gospel presentation
that implies that one’s resolve to choose God’s Son as their Savior
is equal in authority or even the determining factor in their
salvation. I do not advocate this conclusion. In working through the
accepted technique of using scripture to support one’s position on a
topic of doctrine, the outcome often results in a conclusion
reflecting a predetermined Christian theological position learned in
the past. It is my conclusion that one must consider the whole of
scripture through the help of the Holy Spirit to probe the mind of
God regarding this issue.
From the stories of God’s calling of Abram through
the twelve disciples, Paul of Tarsus, etc. it affirms that man is
spiritually dead in his sin and God is not only the author of
physical life but also the author of spiritual life. This is
elucidated through the idea of being born from above or, born again.
Jesus’ dialogue with Nicodemus in John 3 provides an illustration of
the work of the Holy Spirit as a force under the control of an
all-powerful God. The clues of who is in control of our destiny are
undeniable. It is highly significant that our doctrinal statements
communicate the undeniable fact that God alone is sovereign over the
affairs of men, including his salvation. If my hope is in my ability
to recognize that I’m a slave to sin and I need a savior, apart from
God’s unique regeneration I’m doomed. I am conceived in sin
(darkness), I am brought into the light only by the power of
illumination by the Holy Spirit. My sinful will has no power to
overcome the darkness.
When one sees the doctrine of salvation as being the
pinnacle of God’s gift of grace, they read scripture differently. By
that I mean when one reads the word “believe” they understand that
to be describing one who has been given the gift of faith by the
power of the Holy Spirit. The realization that I am justified solely
and only through the birth, life and death of God’s Son, my Savior.
Outside of God’s Holy Spirit opening my mind and heart to my lost
and doomed state, I am powerless to reverse my lostness. I am blind
until the power of God gives me sight to see. My spiritual self has
not been awakened. I have not been born from above, aka, born again.
In my flesh, I am God’s enemy. I cannot please Him. Only after my
spiritual birth am I in a spiritual standing of righteousness
through Jesus’ act justifying me before a Holy God. e.g., when God
looks at me, He sees my Advocate Jesus, who presents me justified in
God’s court. That administration of justice does not call for me to
be declared innocent nor even my stamp of approval regarding Jesus’
advocacy of me to validate my positional justification. It is only
after the point of my justification that I am in a position to
approach a holy and perfect God.
I have observed when one believes that they choose
their salvation the tendency is to start a gospel presentation from
the notion that the person to whom one is speaking will understand
what they are being told. This often results in starting a
discussion with the need for a savior or, being saved or, repenting
from one’s sin. All these positions presuppose a person who may be
in a non-regenerate state of sin having the cognition to accept, in
faith, the God of the Bible. I rely in an approach that allows a
person to express the framework of their belief system in their own
words so they acknowledge that on which they presently exercise
faith, i.e. the basis for their decisions regarding the way they
live their life.
As Sovereign over all created things, of which we
humans are part, God seeks no counsel with anyone or anything
regarding the determination of His kingdom and His subjects in any
area of His creation. Often, the rub rests in man’s confusing
communication of salvation vs. sanctification. Man’s will stands
under and is subject to the will of God. The one thing God has
determined not to do is to make the act of love a forced
relationship. He does not restructure or bend man’s will into a
controlled response of love back to his Creator. If that were so, it
would not be love. God will direct a man’s path regardless of
whether that man responds in love or rebellion in order to achieve
His ultimate will. We can see this interaction between the Creator
and His created beings throughout scripture. We see consistently
that God chooses those whom He has preordained to reveal Jesus as
their Savior. We see that man’s response in returning that love is
inconsistent and flawed at best even in the midst of the revelation
that we are a part of His beloved family. Faith is a gift from God,
not of my will. God’s gift of faith becomes manifest in our lives
when we choose to refrain from our fleshly responses (my will to
follow that which is not glorifying to God) to the things of this
world (walking by sight) and live our lives by our vision (walking
by faith). When I see or commit actions contrary to the fruit of the
Spirit I know, by faith, that is a manifestation of a spiritual
battle. The non-regenerate man is a slave to his spiritual father
the devil. Regenerate man has been bought out of slavery by the God
who made him; the God who paid the required price for him.
In formulating my presentation of the gospel, I
determined to bestow respect upon the person to whom I have the
privilege of speaking by allowing their belief to be heard first. I
begin with “What do you believe about your origin, purpose, meaning
and destiny?” After listening to their response, I ask permission to
share with them what I believe about that question. That is when I
recite what I call “The Sixty Second Gospel”. I then ask them if
that makes sense or if they have questions about what I said. If the
listener is one of God’s family (whether they know it or not) they
often respond in a fashion that reveals that reality even if they
have not heard the gospel. If the listener is not one of God’s
children, their reaction to what I have said often reflects an
unbelief or even antagonism toward my testimony. I do not say this
as an absolute. I acknowledge that in God’s perfect will, it may not
be the time, nor place, nor circumstance of His choosing for the
Holy Spirit to open that person’s eyes and mind to truth. It is not
my intent to let a conversation become about the “color of the band
aid on the gunshot wound”. It is about the patient’s life, not about
an opinion regarding an ancillary matter. For example, if you have
read this far and are concerned about pronouns, you run the risk of
becoming side tracked in this spiritual battle.
I created this site as an encouragement to others in
God’s family of like conviction to choose your message to proclaim
the good news of our Savior, Lord, and King to those God brings
across your path. If my presentation is helpful to you please feel
free to use it or modify it to fit your persuasion. One of the most
profound joys this side of heaven is to be in the presence of
someone who experiences the awakening by the Holy Spirit to God’s
gift of the future that awaits them. God’s allowing us to see Him
build His kingdom for the glory of His Son and, as a bonanza,
calling us to make disciples of His newly adopted sons and daughters
of all ages is second only to the joy of our own adoption.
If you have a question, observation or suggestion I
have established the email account
By grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, to the glory
of God alone,
A brother in Christ