God made the heavens and the earth and they were perfect
God made mankind in His image to enjoy fellowship
through worship
(Gen 1:26-27,
Deu 6:4-5,
Mt 22:34-40)
Man chose to rebel against God’s perfect plan
(Gen 6:5-6)
God condemned man to eternal separation from Him
(Mt 22:11-14,
Mt 23:13-15, Mt 23:33)
But, God’s love for His creation resulted in Him
coming to earth in the form of a man to pay the price for our
(1Tim 1:15,
Heb 2:17,
1Jn 2:2,
1Jn 4:10)
Anyone, and everyone, who knows Jesus paid the
price for their rebellion has the opportunity to be restored to
fellowship and will enjoy eternity with Him
(Jn 3:1-8,
Jn 3:16-17)